Another short semester comes inevitably. Of course, there were a LOT of things happened in between since the previous session and thankfully, consisted of mostly awesome experiences rather than unpleasant ones which I couldn’t feel happier and content. ^_^ Like the last short semester or any other if I may assume, things are de-stressful, slow and lazy. This short semester of session 2009/2010 is no exception. In fact, I can briefly explain the special traits of short semester with this opening phrase:
Short semester is when…
1. …you see people playing chess at the cafĂ© hangout area, which makes you go, “Okaaaayy.” You don’t even know how to play chess.
2. …you find yourself hanging out with your friends much, much longer than the period of time for classes. ♥
3. …you look forward to go home every weekend even though you’re usually nonchalant about it, because the free time you have in campus is almost the same as being at home, only it’s better with free food and instant wireless access within the comfort of your own room. Thus, making you a shamefully selfish person. (Evil short semester!)
4. …you contemplate and scrutinise more on the details of current situations around you. Yes, you have that much time to waste.
5. …you feel the occasional lost of not having all your friends in campus and you miss them terribly. }`:
6. …you hear more revolting/sicker/unbelievable stories you don’t usually hear during long semesters. Things that make you cringe in disbelief and disgust till shivers run down your spine and back up. Yeurghh.
7. …you would notice people you wouldn’t want to see/ you wouldn’t thought of seeing walking around in random. Eww.
8. …mid term exams are on the third week of the semester and you feel like you’ve barely learned anything (and though it was easy it still wasn’t because it’s the nature of my brain and the Arabic language not complementing each other). Edit: I got good! Amazingly! xD
9. …your muse suddenly being all nice to you by conjuring up all sorts of things in your head for you to post in your spankin’ new blog! (Muse: Ngehh.)
10. …you recently found out you shouldn't just assume short semester for what it seems, because all the craziness that you never expect--or experience--would happen. o.O (this goes for last short semester too!)
Yeah that pretty much sums it up. And oh, I wish I could catch a glimpse of that certain senior who is tall, bespectacled, mature, has a nice grab-able arse and could sing(!), but so far I haven’t. Hope he’s still around next semester, though I expect him to graduate already. Aww. But it’s okay, there are other beetles to be lured by this flower! xD Cheesy much? I know. Eww.
PS: The day after I finished this post (including the paragraph above), I saw HIM!!! And actually walked past him!! And drank in the view of (almost) all his good stuffs! And actually breathed the same air he breathes!! (Haha I meant to type that, it’s too much fun xD) For the first time this freakin’ short semester!!! Yayyyayaaayyyyayayayyyy!! Squeeeee~ *extreme fan-girling ensues* Uh oh, since I told my Hunnybun that I would only add him on Facebook if I see him around, so I have to add him now…? Awww… -^_^- I shy! (Muse: Eww.)
[Muse: I should warn you now and onward that my host would occasionally have her teeny-bopper fan-girl mode switched 'ON' when it comes to certain unfortunate males. And I’m supposed to put up with this. -__-]
PSS: The song ‘In My Head’ by Jason Derulo was on the radio and I said to Dakcik, “…and then I’ll sing this song to my Abe (loosely translated: spouse)!” I laughed like crazy. xD
Current mood: Amused x3