

I used to always blog whenever I enter a new age. What ever happened? Things happened. Thinking changed. Abilities changed. Emotions changed.

I'm feeling like a rubber band again.

But I'm still thankful that above all, there were more good things than bad. =)
It's just some things that cannot change, no thanks to some parts that have no willpower to change. Also no thanks to some parts that do not even want to change.

My worst enemy is STARTING. Blog posts included.

I will definitely make sure that I'll jot down stuffs about plunging into my new age, before the new semester starts. But thinking about the coming semester tears me apart with the pressure of wanting to place myself in a shoebox and the force of wanting to be an unstoppable kung fu fighter.

Right now, I just need ideas.

And a good pair of sports shoes. xP

So here's a pretty thing I found. =D

Current obsession: Fluffy, fat flowers :3