
It's Not Easy

My recent status on a certain social network site:

... is feeling like the aftermath of trying an overcooked, tasteless meal that was previously presented in mouth-watering beauty.

This probably came up coz I just watched 'Masterchef US' on the idiot box. But the feeling is still evident. And prominent.

Then I opened up my blog dash and voila, an illustration came up from a blog I'm following that totally described my current status.

'Bukan Senang' by Ikhsan Ise

He's an brilliant local artist. His work was very much lauded by my dad a couple of years ago, so I followed his blog (you can see that I put his blog link on the sidebar under 'Randomilicious Blogs', which one rarely notices). You peeps should scout over THERE, have a look around and see what I mean.


PS: I miss my old talent. I'm suddenly reminded of it yesterday by my dad. And now, this.

Current music: Polyphonic instrumental